The Island of Roatan

Welcome to beautiful SCUBA diving around Coco View resort on Roatan in the Bay Islands of Honduras. To see more of Ken Riddick's photos visit his site at

Green Moray Eel

Green MorayWe see green morays pretty much everywhere we dive in the Caribbean. The interesting thing about this one is where we found him.

After our third dive of the day on Golden Chain reef, the captain dropped us on Newman's Wall to make our way back to the platform and Coco View.

This 5 or 6 footer was holed up under the platform, stretched out among a few large coral rubble fragments. Apparently, he liked these digs a lot. He was there most times we passed the platform.

You can see in this image the sand, likely kicked up by many passing divers, settling on his head. I took that as more evidence that he didn't move around a lot.

Large-eyed Toadfish

ToadfishIs that a face only a mother could love, or what!

This was my wow-haven't-seen-one-of-those-yet critters.

Every trip brings something new for me and this guy holed up in a, well, hole at Calvin's Crack reef was extremely patient with my awkward advances off the reef wall.

I was told later these seemingly sedentary bearded bottom-dwellers are notorious for biting divers that offer up a hand or finger.

Yikes! Keep your hands and feet inside the ride for your own safety, kiddies.

Sharpnose PufferSharpnose Pufferfish

This tiny cousin of the porcupine fish is only about an inch long.

We found him at Newman's Wall on our first day of diving.

Sometimes it is difficult to see in real time on the reef the intricate patterns and colors on the smallest fish.

But the camera helps slow things down and move them in for closer study.