Queen Angelfish

Queen Angelfish

This queen angelfish got me in trouble.

Or, rather, I got myself in trouble chasing her around the reef, trying to make a picture.

Roatan is lovely

Party of why Roatan is such a lovely dive location is because Honduras is very serious about protecting the marine life.

As I was laser-focused on this evasive angel, my fins hit the reef, and the divemaster quickly called me out for it.


Christmas Tree Worms

Spotted Moray

A small and colorful Christmas tree worm farm on a stand of star coral at Newman's Wall.

Christmas tree worms are small, tube-building creatures.

Spirals are for respiration

Their multicolored spirals are highly-evolved respiratory structures.

They're beautiful to look at anytime of year, but they reminded me, my wife always hates it when the decorations go up too early in the year.


Indigo Hamlet

Juvenile Hogfish

A type of small sea bass, this one-inch long indigo hamlet is iridescent.

Many of the small fish were very approachable, sometimes even curious.

This guy was no exception.

Hamlet's are everywhere

We found this one on Pirate's Point Reef but these and the less flashy barred hamlet could be found on pretty much every reef.

This one was very friendly.