Check out these online resources for advanced CSS tutorials, tips, and validators. You won’t find much (if any) help with Dreamweaver at these sites, but you’ll find everything you could ever want to know about CSS, browser differences, hacks, and workarounds.
The Dreamweaver Developer Center at Because CSS is so complex, Adobe has launched a special section of its Web site dedicated to helping Web designers share ideas and strategies for designing with CSS. You’ll find many advanced tips and tricks in the Adobe CSS Advisor section. For the most advanced (and the latest) in CSS techniques.
The CSS Zen Garden – One of the best places to see CSS in action and appreciate the possibilities of separating content from formatting.
Eric Meyer on CSS – One of the gurus of CSS, Eric Meyer literally wrote the book on CSS and then wrote a second book, and more…
As Max Design you’ll find several tutorials on creating flexible designs with CSS and a great collection of tutorials on creating navigation bars with CSS.
Quirks Mode is a great site about keeping it simple and learning the dangers of CSS Hacks
Position is Everything – covers all the CSS bugs you can expect to find when you view your designs in Web browsers
You’ll find a CSS validator where you can test your work at
Thank You, it’s very useful