Unfortunately, different web browsers display text and HTML differently, and Internet Explorer is one of the worst, and most notorious, for bad code display (especially older versions of IE).
What most web designers do is test their pages in a variety of web browsers to work to make sure their pages look ‘good enough’ in all of them. Because the text size and spacing can vary from browser to browser, it can be challenging to get exactly the same display in all browsers.
If your concern is the way text wraps, it’s almost impossible to keep it consistent. That’s because your users can change the text size in some browsers, and because text size is different between Mac and Windows computers.
Here’s a tutorial about testing web pages in different web browsers that will you understand why designing for different web browsers is a challenge for all web designers. You’ll also find links to a few online testing tools that can help you make sure you site looks good, even in web browsers you may not have on your own computer.
I hope that helps and I wish you all the best, Janine
Thank you! IE drives me crazy!
Thanks alot for this important info for web developers…. I was wondering why my site looks perfect and excellent on Firefox,Chrome and android native browser but looks somehow different in Internet Explorer…this made me browse around for some explanations and solutions…thanks for shedding some light on this matter…I wish my clients could see this article..
Yeah, IE drives a lot of designers crazy with its unilateral implementations of display technologies (a long-winded way of saying that Microsoft just *does stuff* and expects everyone to follow along with their standards). They’ve gotten a lot better about that in the last few years, but older versions of IE are something that cause a lot of web designers to rub their temples and reach for bottles of aspirin. But by all means -send your clients to this site, if they’re not understanding the issues involved.