If you have one of my books or videos and it’s is more than a few years old, you should upgrade.
I say that not just because I want you to buy more of my books and videos, this is a problem with an outdated books and videos, especially those on web design, which has changed dramatically in just the last few years.
I don’t even sell my own training materials when they get too old. If you want my Dreamweaver 8 materials, for example, you’ll have to go to my publishers because I can’t in good faith recommend them anymore.
If you have one of my older books or videos, your missing my latest (and best) instruction for today’s Web.
The difference between Dreamweaver 8 and the latest version CS6, for example, is like the difference between using a stone axe to carve petroglyphs into the wall of a cave and using a diamond cutter to create exquisite works of art on the modern Web.
I understand that many people can’t upgrade their software as often as I do, but do upgrade your training to the latest version possible, even if it’s a version or two beyond the software you have. My basic training covers, well, the basics, and that hasn’t changed as much as the more advanced stuff. Often you can use my books and videos for a version that’s a step ahead, kind of like you might buy a T-shirt that’s a little too big for your kid because you know they’ll grow into it.
If you have Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, by all means get the CS6 video and books. But if you’re using Dreamweaver CS4, consider getting the CS5 training. Same for CS3: You’ll be better off getting the CS4 training.