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Why Does Design Need Data?

For more than a decade, there’s been an increasing level of angst in the design community about data & analytics, and the push by organizations to use numbers to influence what we designers do. One of the biggest fears is that somehow, paying attention to all the...

Design Trends for 2023

The Year of Trustworthy Design” tl;dr version: There are eight experience design trends that will affect the successful adoption of digital products in 2023 – and they are affected by an underlying societal and market force. Users have been repeatedly blindsided...

AssetShield: UX Research Reveals Opportunity

  Case Study:   How UX Research Drove a Marketing Pivot Building a site to overcome the skepticism of high-net-worth individuals to cloud-based services When I started, the company didn’t even have a name yet …  AssetShield was conceived when the...

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